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In-home cooking classes make life easier, healthier and more delicious.

Happy Belly
Cooking Classes

Online Cooking Class

Maintaining your gut health long term requires a new perspective and skill-set in the kitchen. Learning how to prepare delicious, nutritious, gut loving food in your home is the most important part of creating lifelong digestive health. 


Most restaurant and packaged food contains toxic and unhealthy ingredients that can wreak havoc on your belly and prevent you from truly healing your digestive tract. Even those foods and restaurants that claim to be healthy still often use unhealthy oils or non-organic ingredients that are bad for your digestion and health. While it is true that once you reach a homeostasis of healing in your gut health journey you WILL be able to eat those types of food in moderation without serious consequences, in order to keep your gut flora healthy and happy you will still need to be cooking the majority of your meals at home.


Luckily, it can be simple, time efficient and fun once you understand the basics, know what ingredients to buy and have a solid grasp of healthy batch cooking techniques. 


This in-home cooking class will give you the foundation you need to make your own healing foods now and into the future. 

How it Works

We begin with a 30 minute consultation phone call to get a sense of your goals, your palate, your dietary triggers and your time constraints.


Based on this information, Flow will choose 4 recipes to prepare together in your kitchen. She will shop for the ingredients and bring her own spices and oils to use in the cooking process. The ingredients and shopping time are included in the price of the experience.


Together you will batch cook 4 meals in 3 hours, and she will also share very helpful and important cooking skills and techniques that you can apply to many other dishes and variations. You will learn about the importance of digestive spices and aromatics, the right oils to use, what types of food are probiotic and probiotic, how to get more fiber in your diet, what types of foods trigger flare ups and how to make a lot of food at one time, among other helpful tips.


At the end you will receive 8 recipes to try on your own, a pantry stock recommendation list and recommended shopping list.


This cooking class experience includes a pre-session 30 minute consultation call, pre-planning, shopping, groceries, extra cooking supplies, 3 hours of cooking and education time together plus 8 additional recipes chosen for your specific gut-healing journey.


The total cost of this customized packaged experience is $395. ($325 for already enrolled Health Coaching clients)

Cooking Eggs

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